PVC Pipe Projects Your Kids Will love!

PVC Projects for Kids

Are you thinking of ways to entertain and bond with your kids during the summer? Sure there are plenty of places you can go for an adventure. But you can make summer as much or even more fun at home with these PVC pipe projects! These PVC ideas are great for developing your child’s imagination. […]

18 Creative Paper Roll Activities for Kids

Paper Roll Ideas

One of the nicest things about being a kid is that it doesn’t take much to make you happy. Give them anything that has their favourites in it, they are happy.  Give them anything to play with, they are happy. It’s always nice to see kids’ eyes light up with the simplest of things, as if they have […]

10 Sandpit Ideas for Your Home

Sandpit Boat

Outdoor play is very important for your kids’ early years. It’s not just about fun. It is the best way in achieving developmental tasks children must learn. They need to learn to go out there, take risks (yes – take risks) and explore. They need to develop motor and social skills. It’s the only way […]

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