Paper Roll Ideas

18 Creative Paper Roll Activities for Kids

One of the nicest things about being a kid is that it doesn’t take much to make you happy. Give them anything that has their favourites in it, they are happy.  Give them anything to play with, they are happy. It’s always nice to see kids’ eyes light up with the simplest of things, as if they have just seen gold. You don’t need to buy them expensive things to see them smile. With kids, it’s always the thought that counts.
Paper Roll Ideas

This one is a Halloween project this little girl is obviously enjoying. (from Baby Jungle)
Paper Roll Ideas

For the tiny toddlers, paper rolls would make perfect party hats for them. (from Creative Jewish Mom)
Paper Roll Ideas

The mom of this boy gave him paper rolls to play with while his sister is out for school.(from Mommy with Selective Memory)

Which is why some toys with a hundred dollar price tags are unnecessary. Sometimes we can make these toys ourselves and the kids will be as grateful. They would even appreciate that you made it for them. These are the things they will remember, and that matter.
Paper Roll Ideas

This is better than the small hotwheels which can hurt them. (from kiflieslevendula)
Paper Roll Ideas

Building space shuttle like this with them would make the boys happy. (from Mama Smiles)
Paper Roll Ideas

Don’t forget airplane toys! (from mollymoo)
Paper Roll Ideas

Do a 3-in-1 activity by creating a castle play set or any other theme your kids are interested in – they would be building, crafting and playing pretend. (from Blog Me Mom)
Paper Roll Ideas

Enjoy a tea party with them. (from Krokotak)
Paper Roll Ideas

Spend the winter with them creating reindeers. (from Creative Playhouse)

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