Lego Costume

Lego Man Costume

Lego Man Costume

In need of a costume for the little one? Here’s an awesome costume idea other kids on the block will envy! :)

Lego Costume

The first thing you’re going to love about this costume is that it uses free (or very cheap) material — boxes! And since this is a DIY costume, you can make any Lego man that your kid desires.

It’s simple to make but one that will surely be loved by the kids because it’s AWESOME. Get it? :)

What kind of Lego man do you think your kid wants to be?

Click on any image to start lightbox display. Use your Esc key to close the lightbox.8-)


  • Cylinder Building Forms (size 10)
  • Box (get a size that fits your child)
  • More large Boxes
  • Foam
  • Soft Mesh
  • Black Tape


  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Cutter
  • Scissors


Lego Costume

The head was “easy”. Though cutting the face holes into the cement tubes was CRAZY hard. What worked for me was making a template and then cutting on both sides of the tube. I used the left over cut out piece of the tubes to just reinforce the head from the inside.

Lego Costume

You can see that I also cut out the top from the inside… my eldest’s head wouldn’t fix without that extra lego top space.


Lego Costume

The cool part has begun!!!

Cutting the logos out and starting the first part of painting was awesome and felt like it was starting to look like something!

I bought some spray paint to start the big stuff. The kids jumped at the opportunity to help out with this part.

Lego Costume

But WAIT! Don’t make the mistake I did!! The cheapest spraypaints were for sure in Walmart, and I cheaped out. WRONG! Krylon sucks. It wouldn’t cover a damn thing. It just “dyed” the boxes red and green (the grey was ok after it’s third spray). When I bought the yellow, I had to buy that tremclad stuff, and the yellow was awesome! it was one spray and done! So i just went back and bought the Tremclads for the green and red.

I covered the “yellow” pieces with tape. I ended up painting the yellow parts of the faces by spraying yellow into a plastic box and then used a paintbrush. It was pretty decent. Another detail is that I wasn’t about to buy brown paint for Green Lantern’s hair, so I just bought some brown tempera at the dollar store. Done.

Continued Page 2…



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