Popsicle Stick Bombs

Exploding Popsicle Sticks

Don’t be alarmed, these “bombs” are perfectly safe for kids! We only use the term to give the idea on how they are used/played – you assemble them and throw it at your “enemies”! As far as I know, this has never caused any accident. We used to play them without any safety gear but […]

How to Create Movement in Your Drawings

Motion Drawing

Being able to show movement is the key to bringing an illustration to life. Movement and motion are what help you imagine what you are reading. Without these little details, drawings may be hard to interpret. You don’t need to enter an art class to learn drawing. The first thing you need to practice for moving objects is to […]

DIY Swing Ideas for Kids

Swing Ideas

One of the things I’m sure all of us loved as kids were the outdoor swings. It’s the feeling of like you are about to take off and fly. Honestly I would still love to play on swings if not only for the fear of being judged by other adults – and kids as well. Haha! […]

Photo Pebbles

Photo Pebbles

Sometimes it’s just fun to do some arts and crafts with no particular reason or goal. There are moments when we just feel like doing something creative just because. And this is one of those projects. After trying it, I thought they are a cute thing to have on the work table. Put pictures of your […]

Shuriken/Ninja Star Origami

DIY Ninja Star

This is one of the classic origami many of the kids before the computer era enjoyed making. I remembered this while watching Ninja Assassin on the television the other day. It’s easy and fun to throw around which we could teach kids and let them play with. What you’ll need: 2 pieces Square Construction Paper for one […]

10 Sandpit Ideas for Your Home

Sandpit Boat

Outdoor play is very important for your kids’ early years. It’s not just about fun. It is the best way in achieving developmental tasks children must learn. They need to learn to go out there, take risks (yes – take risks) and explore. They need to develop motor and social skills. It’s the only way […]

Outdoor Playhouses to Inspire a Child’s Imagination!

Outdoor Playhouse Design

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination”  –  Albert Einstein It’s every child’s dream to have their own little space to play and create their own world. Their imagination runs wild as they build, form, mold and imagine everything they want! Playhouses can be as simple as a cardboard carton or two or […]

DIY Glow in the Dark Jar

Glow in the dark jars

Your kids will surely love this very easy project. A glowing jar would be nice especially once you have turned off their lights for bedtime. It’s also great to put them in the patio or garden. The kids can do this themselves with your guidance. Just make sure they are wearing clothes you wouldn’t mind […]

18 Bracelet Ideas to Make with Your Kids

Bracelet Ideas for Kids

Bracelets are one of the first accessories you could let your kids wear. They are cute colourful accessories which are safer than necklaces. But we believe that they can be more than an accessory – think about the “friendship bracelets” we had as kids.  Because of that, bracelet making serves as a good activity to do […]

DIY Paracord Bracelet

DIY Paracord Bracelet

For those who do not know, paracords were originally used during the World War II as suspension lines for parachutes – parachute cords. At that time paratroopers learned to use it for other purposes as well, and so now it is known as a survival instrument. It’s a very useful must-bring item when travelling or going […]